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M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

                                     Mark Your Calendar For

             These Upcoming Wellness Ministry Activities

           Mark  your  calendar  and  plan  to  participate  with  the  Cornerstone  Wellness  Ministry  in the following
           activities focused on improving your health and wellness:

           September 5  thru November 21  (12 weeks)
             Stone Lose to Win – CONQUERORS Challenge – Conquering barriers to a healthy life!

           Lose  weight,  get  healthy,  and  conqueror  your  health  barriers  with  a  holistic  wellness  program  in  a
           supportive environment. Registration starts in August! More details to come.
           Coming October 2021

                                           Wellness Connections (via Zoom)

           Join  us  for  health  and  wellness  discussions  with  health  care  professionals.  Each  month,  we  will
           highlight a different health/wellness topic for discussion from heart health to mental health. Hear the
           latest health information and get your questions answered!

           Coming November 2021
                   Tasty Transformations (via Zoom)

           Learn  healthy  ways  to  cook  some  of  your  favorite
           foods and get some new healthy recipes!

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