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M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

                                           The Wellness Ministry presents – CONQUERORS CHALLENGE 2021
                                           - “Conquering Barriers To A Healthy Life!” Lose weight, get healthy,
                                           and conqueror your health barriers with a holistic wellness program in a
                                           supportive  environment.  Beginning  September  5th,  this  virtual  weight
                                           loss challenge will kick off and it’s packed with tools and resources to
                                           help you accomplish the goals you set for yourself. We will have weekly
                                           virtual  weigh-ins,  virtual  workouts,  accountability  groups,  meal  and
                                           nutrition information, outdoor hikes and walks, and our CONQUERORS
                                           BOARD with incremental incentives and a variety of levels to tackle and
                                           accomplish along the way to your ultimate weight loss goal. Of course,
                                           we  will  Have  the  overall  male  and  female  winner  with  the  highest
                                           percentage of weight lost taking the big prize winnings.

           You can get the information session Zoom ID by texting “CONQUEROR” 817.468.0083 OR by signing
           up to participate in the program at or

           The registration fee is $30 per person. The program is open to ANYONE desiring to participate. You
           DO  NOT to be a member of Cornerstone to join the challenge. The overall male and female winners
           will split the combined registration fees, minus program costs.

                                 Some Of The Program Components Include:

             Group Workouts Via Zoom
             Weekly Weigh-Ins
             Health Classes - “Losing Weight and Keeping It Off” - 6 Different Sessions
             Topics: Why Is It So Hard To Lose Weight and The Benefits of Losing Weight - Essential Ingredients
               of a Healthy Diet - Weight Loss Tools Part 1 & 2 - The Exercise Equation - Weight Loss Pro-
             Group Hikes/Walks (after the first month)
             Incentive Program

                                               CONQUERORS BOARD
           1. Point System – Participants earn varying amounts of points for exhibiting healthy behaviors
           2. Levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond
           3. Participants track their own activity on a spreadsheet that will calculate their points
           4. Weekly dashboard will display participants with the most points for that week
           5. And More!!!

                          OR CBCARLINGTON.ORG

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