Page 19 - LEAH 27 SHINE 2020: First Edition Issue One.pdf
P. 19

Agnes Marie Ogletree

     Worthy Matron 2020 - 2021

    Acceptance Speech

    Worthy Patron, Associate Patron, Associate Matron, Grand Chapter Officers, Past and Present

    Officers, and Members of Leah Chapters No. 27,

    Good Evening,

    Scripture:   TRUST in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding and He will

                       make your path straight           Proverbs 3: 5-6

    Let Us Pray: Almighty God, creator of the universe, I come as humble as I know how, with an open

                         heart and a willing mind to do your will.  Heavenly father enter into this place, guide and

                         protect us, for you and only you hold us in the hollow of your hand.  Gracious lord we

                         magnify your name through everything we do in this Order.  For you know our strengths

                  and weakness, provide this chapter with your ultimate wisdom, direction, mercy and grace.

                  We bow in humble submission and pray that you grant outrageous peace and incredible joy

                         within the hearts of all members and all those present.  God we ask for relentless wisdom,

                         We ask for strength.  Continue to bring us closer together in unity and power within our

                         bond in sisterhood and charity.  We pray this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus the Christ!

                                                                                                                                    AMEN and AMEN


                      Leah Chapter No. 27 thank you for your opportunity to serve as the 2020-2021 Worthy Matron,

                      truly I count this as a privilege and an honor!   I promise to represent Leah No. 27 with a pledge
                      of devotion, faithfulness and grace.  Congratulations to our Elected and Appointed Officers for

                      this administration.  Worthy Patron Nicholas Bagley lll thank you accepting this role for the eighth

                      term.  May God grant you an extra portion of  wisdom and patience.  To Past Worthy Matron

               Farela Howie and PWP George Howard and the previous administration, thank you for your

                      leadership, guidance and support.

                      When you reach this level of servient leadership one must take the opportunity honor

                      and acknowledge those that were instrumental in making this moment possible. My introduction

                      to the Order of the Eastern began when I was just a 11year old child, I watch my Aunt Reese go to

                      Monday meeting with a purer white dress, white thick stocking and a fez with the letters OES, little did

                      know the gold and blue collar worn around her neck in her photo in her home represented that she
                      was a Worthy Matron, and member for 50 years in a  NY  chapter.  My reintroduction as an


                      occurred when my late uncle Reverend Leamon Dowdell who was a Worshipful Master in Syracuse NY

                       and encourage me to join a OES chapter.  May they both rest in our heavenly father’s arms!
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