Page 20 - LEAH 27 SHINE 2020: First Edition Issue One.pdf
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PGWP Rev. Dr. William Rocky Brown for the inviting me join Leah No. 27, I’m truly grateful.

        To Leah’s PWM’s and PWPs, each of you have be so impactful in my journey, the lessons

        learned have been my incredible, thank you  in advance for your tremendous support.  To

        my family, you are priceless and always supportive, you’re simply the best!

        It’s been a spring unlike any other, much of the country quarantined, daily routines brought

        to a near standstill by a global pandemic.  Because of COVID-19 our state of existence has

        changed drastically, the “ new norm” is not normal at all.   Leah, I ask you in advance to be

        flexible, creative and patience as we embrace the “new normal”, with God’s guidance and

        grace.  Only by God’s blessing and your commitment, together will make this year

        impactful, memorable and continue to excel in serving our fellowman!

        Let’s continue to maintain Leah’s legacy of service,  Lets continue to “SHINE”! Support our

        community, Honor our History of Great Leaders, Inspire ritualistic and constitutional

        learning, Nurture are membership participation, encourage faithful fellowship !

        2020-2021 Chapter Aspirations

        *Update the Chapter’s 2013 By-Laws

        *Implement Leah’s A-Z

        *Let’s Keep in Touch  -  Staying connected with members ( Retain and Maintain Members)

        “* We will help you ….Just press the button”   supporting members with technology, “ the

        new normal”

        *Support the community feeding programs and family homeless shelters

        DATES to REMEMBER – You’re invited to join Leah for the following SHINE experiences;

        *Cabinet Meeting  -     July 25, 2020

        *Special Project Event

        *Executive Meeting –  Aug.25, 2020

        *September Meeting – Sept. 2,  2020

        *September 12th -   Prayer Breakfast

        Submitted with Prayer and Fraternal Love,

         Agnes M. Ogletr

        Agnes Marie Ogletree
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