Page 56 - ECA Yearbook 2023
P. 56

Fleet 30 enjoyed another great year of racing and camaraderie on Lake Travis in
        2022. Beginning with the Red Eye Regatta on January first, and continuing
        through the Spring, Summer, and Fall Series Races, as well as numerous
        clubwide regattas, the Ensigns consistently turned out to compete (and also hang
        out and enjoy each other’s company). It turns out that the Ensign is not only a fun
        boat to sail, it’s also a great place to gather after racing, share snacks and drinks,
        revisit the races, and laugh a lot. Fleet 30 took plenty advantage of this in 2022.

                              Post-race Hang-Out on 588

        Fleet 30 also had the privilege of sharing the joy of sailing Ensigns in 2022. In
        March, several members of the fleet participated in a “First Sail” event.
        Individuals new to sailing were invited to get on a boat with an experienced
        skipper to see what it’s all about. It turned out to be a very gusty day. So much so
        that another AYC fleet that was scheduled to race that day decided it was “too
        much” and headed into the harbor …just as the Ensigns, with newbies as “crew”,
        headed out. Everyone got soaking wet, but all had a great time, and most of the
        guests were even brave enough to take the helm for a few minutes.

        Fleet 30 was also particularly excited to bring back a perennial favorite,
        Sail4Kids. This event had been on hold due to COVID for a couple years, but it
        was back on in 2022, thanks to Fred Ford. Seven Ensigns, each with a skipper
        and crew member, came out to provide an afternoon of sailing for a group foster
        kids aged 9 to 17 from a local group home.  The kids had a terrific time, some of
        them taking the helm, some venturing to the front of the boat or hooking their feet
        under the hiking straps and seeing how cool it is to lean back and dunk the back
        of their heads (or in some cases their entire faces) in water. All boats were armed
        with water cannons, leading to semi-controlled chaos with boats exchanging
        volleys of water as they sailed past each other amid shrieks and laughter. It was
        a privilege to be part of this community outreach event and Fleet 30 is looking
        forward to many more years of this great tradition.

        Another major event for Fleet 30 in 2022 was hosting the Region IV
        Championship Regatta at Austin Yacht Club. The fleet was proud to dedicate this
        regatta to the recently passed and multiple time National Champion, Dean
        Snider. Lewis Price served as Regatta Chair, and the entire fleet pitched in to
        make this a great event. Nine boats participated in the regatta, with former
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