Page 84 - ECA Yearbook 2023
P. 84

all you have to do is steer). I told Dennis good job, and we went on to still finish
        4 .

        The second day brought word of a similar wind shift. The 1  race got off on time,
        however something went wrong on Hamburglar while we rounded the 1  leeward
        mark. No one seemed to know how it happened, but our spinnaker was in the
        water, underneath the boat. The crew went into motion, while I just steered. I
        remember the race committee calling to see if we were alright. We didn’t have
        time to answer. We lost a few positions but once again Hamburglar showed her
        speed up wind and we gained a few back and had the spinnaker up for the 2
        downwind leg and finished 4 .

        The Race Committee then made the decision to move the racecourse in
        anticipation of the forecasted wind change. Well, it never happened and when
        they finally moved it back the wind was dying and eventually went dead, and
        finally changed after the day’s races had been called off. So Hamburglar and its
        Crew pulled off a 1  Place for the event. All it takes is a fast boat, some luck,
        and, most of all, a Good Crew.

        42     BRASS MONKEY          Andrew Wehner
        97     UNCLE DOKE            Mattapoisett Community Sailing Association
        120    SHAZAM                Jim Broadwater
        122    CARINA                Jim Broadwater
        207    PATRIOT               Gregg Butterfield
        304    BLACK ICE             Phil Warren
        311    RECESS                Ed Vinal
        484     MINT CHIP            Ken & Liz Ackerman
        563    MOLLY TOO             Robert Hall
        803    ZEPHYER               Bernie Talty
        863    NOT TRYING            Kai Srisirikul
        1006   COURAGEOUS            Seth Asser & Judy Brown
        1008   BROU HA HA            Stephen & Tina Clark
        1044   VULTURE               Ned Kaiser
        1107   NIMBUS                Michael Keating
        1125   WESTY'S               Rachael Westgate & Julia Westgate
        1184   PHOENIX               Kai Srisirikul
        1232   CALLIPYGOUS           Charlie Clerkin
        1282   ONE LOVE              John Mello/Jeffrey Sanders/James
                                     Gallagher/Meaghan Girouard
        1352                         Marshall Bailey
        1434   SLICKER               Mattapoisett Community Sailing Association
        1601   UNCLE FESTER          Tim Moll
        1693   HAMBURGLER            Dennis McLaughlin
        1756   RAVEN                 Cynthia Brownell
        2001   ODYSSEY               Rick Warren

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