Page 28 - Fall 2020 Tags and Swipes
P. 28

Tags and Swipes, Fall 2020

        Valley Shore Acappella Chorus

        This has been an unprecedented time for           Angie provided us with some amazing coaches
        everyone…and especially for singing groups. In    during this time.  Thanks to the internet, we
        March we were looking for a new director. When    welcomed Anna-Lisa Glad who led us through
        rehearsals were shut down, our director, Angie    some amazing warm-ups.    She was so full of
        Kunasek, graciously agreed to stay with us thru   energy and enthusiasm that we were all inspired!
        this shut down. What a blessing that has been.    Next we were lucky enough to have Kim
        With Angie’s help, we started virtual rehearsals in  Wonders visit us.  Needless to say, we were
        April. It was so good to see the friendly faces of  thrilled to have her.  We got to ask so many
        our singing sisters.  We spent some time just     questions on improving our craft. She is truly a
        catching up and finding out how we all were       wealth of knowledge in SAI.      Angie also
        coping.  Then Angie started regular warm-ups,     managed to invite Quincie Snook, the tenor from
        both voice and physically.    Just before the     The Ladies quartet.  We’ve had some terrific
        lockdown, VSA purchased a package of love         evenings on our virtual rehearsals. We’ve also
        songs. So we started learning them and going over  had pretty great attendance from our members.
        them during rehearsal! Of course, due to varying  We’re definitely a small chorus but our
        bandwidths, we were unable to sing together. We   enthusiasm is strong. We love to sing as all of
        all heard Angie and/or the learning tracks, but all  SAI members do. This has been tough but we
        the other voices were muted. It was different but  will get through this together.  We will meet
        we were all grateful to be together at all.       again soon. We’ll be singing in harmony!

                                                                                      Mary Lou Zinser

                                           VSA Working with Kim Wonders


                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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