Page 25 - Fall 2020 Tags and Swipes
P. 25

Tags and Swipes, Fall 2020

        Sound of New England Chorus

         Warm greetings from Sound of New England Chorus! In these unusual times, one constant in our lives
         has been our weekly ZOOM rehearsals. Our sessions have included vocal warm ups using videos from
         Kathleen Hanson as well as vocal exercises by Kim Vaughn and our director, Marion Devokaitis. We
         continue to learn and qualify new music, the most recent being “We Can Work It Out” by the
         Beatles. This seems a very appropriate piece as we work through the technical issues of ZOOM on
         computers, laptops, tablets, IPads and IPhones. We can sing together against a music track as long as
         we’re all muted. And we’re working it out! Next up is “Fight Song” followed by at least four more
         tunes to be selected by the music staff.

         We’ve had multiple coaching session during lock down. These include Jan Carley who presented her
         four week course, “The Overtone Effect”. Jen Cooke addressed how we can more effectively cope with
         these challenging times. Cheryl and Kathy from Farmington Valley shared their expertise in what it
         takes to excel in showmanship. We also tuned in to the session presented by Becky Hines, director and
         showmanship judge. The videos Becky included in her presentation were valuable in showing the
         differences in performance levels and explaining what we all can do to improve our scores in
         competition. Upcoming coaching sessions are scheduled with Lynn Smith, Kim Vaughn, Corinna
         Garriock and Mo Barrett.

         To keep our personal connections strong while we aren’t able to physically be together, each of us has
         been sharing a bit of “good news” at each rehearsal. After the prolonged power outage, many said their
         best news ever was the return of electricity! We also each  give our “word of the day” at the end of
         rehearsal – some examples are “grateful, blessed, peaceful, stressed, joyous”. To learn more about each
         other, we have started “Show and Tell” sessions  during which two people each week describe
         and/or  show videos of their other hobbies  or passions that they enjoy outside of barbershop. We have
         played word games, reviewed diphthongs and had a class on intervals and how to find that very
         important first note. Review of repertoire has been important since notes and words can become elusive
         after months of us not being together on the risers.

                                            (continued on next page)


                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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