Page 20 - Fall 2020 Tags and Swipes
P. 20

Tags and Swipes, Fall 2020

        Northern Voices Acappella

        Social distancing? Yes. Staying safe? Yes. Still having fun? Absolutely!  It has been tough not being in
        person, but we are making it work through Zoom. It is the highlight of the week to catch up with our
        chorus sisters and have a little fun. Lynda and Ali have been coming up with entertaining activities like
        ugly object show-and-tell, member trivia, and answer the question “if you came with a warning label,
        what would it say?”

        Our industrious director Terry has arranged for some guests come to help us learn more about where our
        sound actually comes from and the importance of expression during our performances. We have learned
        so much!

        And we have exciting news! We have a new member! It will be some time though before she can sing
        with us. Our Team Coordinator, Lauren, gave birth to a beautiful baby girl in July. Her name is Rorie,
        but we’re obviously calling her Adeline.  :)

        Until we can be in person again, we will continue meeting in our Zoom rehearsals and learning new
        music, so we will be ready to go as soon as we are given the word!
                                                                                     Allison Smith


                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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