Page 22 - Fall 2020 Tags and Swipes
P. 22

Tags and Swipes, Fall 2020

        Post Road Chorus (continued)

        The meeting room is opened a half hour before   Often, President Fran holds a short “business”
        rehearsal time for any members who wish to chat   meeting to keep us up-to-date on group and regional
        with each other. Our scheduled time now begins   news, and we close our rehearsal with “How We
        with a member sharing a joke, usually followed   Sang Today”.
        by a warm-up, led by Ray. All are muted, except
        for Ray, who leads us through some mostly       Music Team Meetings and Board Meetings are each
        familiar (but some new) exercises. We have      held approximately once every four weeks, after a
        learned three new songs by listening to learning   regular rehearsal, and meeting notes are provided to
        tracks on our own, though sometimes we have     all members via email.
        sectional practice for a few minutes in Zoom
        break-out rooms. Each section’s leader plays the   In addition to the routine of our regular virtual
        track with that part dominant, and though we are   rehearsals, we had one that was a talent show. We
        muted, we sing our part along with the track. We   also were guests at the Zoom rehearsal of the
        ask any questions, have difficult parts repeated,   barbershop group, Men of Song, and anyone from
        and are reminded of the musical details that had   either chorus who wished to do so, demonstrated their
        been previously addressed.                      talents. In the very near future, we have permission
                                                        and plans to drop into Manchester Silk City’s Zoom
        When we come back together in one room, we are  rehearsal for fun and fellowship.
        invited to have further discussion about the piece(s)
        we’d just reviewed, if needed. Then we usually  Our plans for hosting our first Master’s Quartet
        sing a few of the songs from our repertoire, to keep  Invitational in June 2021 continue. It gives us an
        them fresh, with Andrea playing the 4-parts track.  event to look forward to and hope that we will soon
                                                        be together again, in person.

                                                                                      Deborah Cormier

                  Post Road shares a poignant Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy Medley


                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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