Page 26 - Fall 2020 Tags and Swipes
P. 26

Tags and Swipes, Fall 2020

        Sound of New England Chorus (continued)

        A highlight of our mandated time apart was the virtual Region 1 contest. We want to thank Carla
        Corcoran, Alex Chase, Carol McKenzie and Laura Pienkowski for getting our submission in to the
        region so that SONE could be part of the festival.

        We are delighted to welcome our new member, Marinka Koenis who is from the Netherlands. Marinka
        moved to Connecticut from the Netherlands about three years ago after completing  her PhD in
        neuroscience. She is now doing post doctorate work as an academic researcher. Marinka says she is
        very eager to get together on the risers again so she can sing in person! Amen to that!

        SONE would like to express condolences to anyone in Region 1 who may have experienced personal
        loss of friends or family due to Covid. Our hearts are with you – we will be thinking of all our
        barbershop sisters as we sing “ How We Sang Today” at the end of each of our ZOOM sessions, our
        hands out stretched as we virtually hold each other until we can be together again in song.

                                                                                Eileen Root


                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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