Page 17 - Spring 2020 Tags and Swipes
P. 17

Tags and Swipes, Spring 2020

        Farmington Valley Chorus (continued)

        Costumes -
        With contest coming up we concluded we didn’t have enough costumes to cover the chorus. Kim
        stepped up once again and coaxed a few members with the promise of a cocktail to help her cut the
        fabric to make the extra costumes needed. Hey - any excuse for a party.

        Clever Cheryl -
        Not to be conquered by this virus, Cheryl and our management and music teams concocted a
        conference call for the next few Wednesday nights using Web Ex and Zoom. The first convening was
        hugely successful with Karen Sweeters and Gina Barbarossa Keiser guiding us through the Expression
        and Showmanship categories on our score sheets. Sisters from SONE and Berkshire Hills joined us for
        this really informative session. There were quite a few Aha! moments for the 64 of us that
        joined....eventually. A few technical difficulties that were soon kicked to the curb.

        Lets kick this insidious virus to the curb so we can get back to doing what we do best - carousing and
        carrying on in 4 part harmony.

        Stay healthy, wash your hands, keep connected and crooning..

         Nancy Propfe

                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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