Page 18 - Spring 2020 Tags and Swipes
P. 18

Tags and Swipes, Spring 2020

        Harmony on the Sound Chorus


        I hope you, your family and friends, are all safe and healthy!

        As I am now relegated to working from home, I realize I am one of the lucky ones. I still am able to
        work. I still have a job. I can perform my job from the safety of my living room. Many are not as
        fortunate, either serving in the community, risking exposure, or not able to continue working at all, facing
        financial crisis on top of everything else.

        Regardless of our situations, we all have one thing in common: Support from our Sweet Adeline’s
        Sisters! It means everything to me, as I know it does to you!

        Being a member of HOTS means that I always have my chorus sisters: They have my back, and I have
        theirs. As social distancing can make us feel isolated, we know we are never alone.

        We are fortunate, as well, to have the technology at our fingertips to get together virtually!


                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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