Page 16 - Spring 2020 Tags and Swipes
P. 16

Tags and Swipes, Spring 2020

        Farmington Valley Chorus

         Farmington Valley had been using C words long before COVID became “popular”:

         Vickie Mayberry joined us in early January for a weekend of Mayberry Mayhem. We learned so
         much  and we love her so much we had her back two weeks ago ... yup just as the COVID scare took
         control. We did get one really awesome Wednesday night rehearsal with her though.

         The Wednesday before Valentines Day we got to share the love with the residents of Duncaster Senior
         Living in Bloomfield. They returned their love with rousing applause, singing a long and scheduling us
         to return in December.

         Contest was closing in so we had another really crazy fun clumping session. Clumping is when a
         member volunteers to let her chorus sisters invade her home for an hour. What is worked on is
         determined by whoever shows up. Casual, fun. impromptu camaraderie and we even learn a thing or

                                            (continued on next page)


                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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