Page 11 - 2018 Fall Tag and Swipes
P. 11

Tags and Swipes, Fall 2018

          Saffron Quartet

          Saffron Quartet is still “Flyin’ High” from competition weekend!  We’ve been so touched by all the
          love, support, comradery, and joy you’ve all expressed to us.  Summer is Flyin’ by as we rehearse,
          coach, eat popcorn, and plan for St Louis!  It’s been crazy trying to stay focused, keep up rehearsal and
          coaching schedules, and fit in some summer fun.  But we are up for the challenge!

          We had a blast attending RQA with the Queens of Harmony, LUSTRE!   Jenny, their Bass, gave us
          some  awesome  coaching!  It  was  so  cool  to  observe  them  all  coaching  several  of  our  Region’s
          Quartets.  Amazing how much can be absorbed by observation.  What a treat to hear their stories and
          get the inside scoop on how they made their journey to Queenliness.  It’s inspiring and very humbling
          to hear what goes into staying so fully committed to that journey.  RESPECT!!!!

          We are honored and thrilled to be invited to perform on the Buzz’s retirement party hosted by MVC on
          September 8th!  As of the time of writing this article, we are working on a special song, arranged by
          our own Bee, in honor of The Buzz.  We are sure this is going to be a fun-filled, music-fest weekend,
          and  we  look  forward  to  filling  you  all  in  on  the  spicy  details!    Check
          out  We will be sure to post photos and tidbits!!

          Fall  Regional  brings  a  first  for  us…..Fund  Raising???  WHAT?!  What  the  heck  should  we  sell?
          Well….DUH!  POPCORN!  That’s right!  Butter, cheesy, or plain!  (Cheesy is our personal favorite!)
          Should  be a  carb-loading fest  and  way  fun!  Who  can  resist the  aroma  of fresh  popped  popcorn?!
          Come  stop  by  and  see  us….we  have  a  true  popcorn  machine,  a  head  popcorn  “Chef”,  non-GMO
          popcorn (hey, we are looking out for you!), and all the deliciousness one could want! We will also be
          raffling a “Spicy” crate…yup, crate, not basket…and you can interpret “Spicy” however you like!!!
          Oh, and lest we forget, we have ONE, and only ONE, SAFFRON t-shirt to raffle off!  It’s a one-of-a-
          kind (well, except for the 4 we have!)

          St. Louis….WHAT?!!!!!!  So excited to get on that stage!  Already feeling the love from all of you, so
          thank you SO much for the well-wishes, support, excitement, and Love.  Hope to see and hug many of
          you there!  Shout out to our buddies, VOCE, for taking us under their experienced and strong wings to
          help us on this Voyage!  Shout out to our sistahs, Boston Accent – we will miss you desperately, but
          rest assured, we will raise a glass in your honor ladies!  Looking forward to hanging with the ladies
          from Coastline!   And of course, all our sisters from home!  Region 1 is IN THE HOUSE!!!

          Per request, we’ve been asked to provide a synopsis of our show of champions skit, so here it goes:

          “What a great contest!!  ……..No Kiddin’

          We just love coming to Springfield for our competition because we get to hear the natives with their
          Boston Accent.

          We certainly got to hear quite a Soundscape created by all the wonderful competing quartets.  And as
          if you couldn’t tell we really have the HOTS for Region 1.

                                              (continued on next page)

                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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