Page 14 - 2018 Fall Tag and Swipes
P. 14

Tags and Swipes, Fall 2018

        Boston Skyline Chorus

          What a sizzler of a summer!  The blistering heat   She  encourages  her  leaders  and  supports  each
          was no match for Boston Skyline!  We were very   team.  Always ready with a smile, a laugh or hug
          busy  performing  in  Natick.  We  started  off  the   she has developed bond of trust that allows us to
          summer performing at their Farmers Market with   take risks, try new things and appreciate the work
          a  special  performance  by  “Fever  Pitch”.  July   that we do.
          brought  2  more  Performances,  Natick  Art Walk
          and  Christmas  in  July.  Our  final  Natick   Heartbreak  and  sadness  enveloped  the  chorus
          performance was a return to the Farmers Market   with  the  unexpected  passing  of  a  long-term
          with  a  lovely  performance  by  Bari’d  Treasure.    member.
          We  love  performing  in  the  community  and
          particularly  enjoy  our  Supper  Club  after  each   Ria Kittay passed away suddenly in August after
          performance allowing us to cap off a great event   complications of ALS.  This has sent shockwaves
          trying different restaurants for lunch or dinner.     throughout  our  chorus  family.  Ria  had  been
          Expanding our repertoire has kept our Music and   LOA  in  search  of  a  diagnosis  as  her  body
          Visual Teams very busy and the chorus has risen   continued  to  present  challenges  in  singing  and
          to the challenge.  Despite the heat, (thank     mobility.  The  chorus  got  the  news  that  a
          goodness for air conditioning) rehearsal has    diagnosis  of  ALS  had  been  made  just  weeks
          continued as planned without interruption or    before  her  passing.  Ria  had  many  friends
          break.  Harmony regardless of the temperature   throughout  the  region  and  those  who  remember
          is so cool and spending those hot nights together   her  know  that  her  love  of  Barbershop  was
          brings chills when we ring chords.              endless.  Her  incredible  creativity  brought  life
                                                          and laughter to the many annual shows, retreats
                                                          and gatherings that she organized.  Piano Tuner
                                                          by trade, her crafting skills were both unique and
                                                          beautiful.  Her  thoughtfulness,  even  as  she
                                                          struggled  will  always  be  remembered.  Past  and
                                                          present members and folks who had the pleasure
                                                          of  knowing  Ria  have  been  posting  memories  of
                                                          Ria on our Facebook page.  The memories we’ve
                                                          shared  will  live  in  our  hearts  forever!  A
                                                          Celebration of Ria’s Life, hosted by her family,
                                                          will take place this month.

          Our annual pool party hosted by Director Wendy
          is always a blast.  Great food, lounging in the
          pool and our annual water volleyball competition
          brings laughter to all! Our Director is the glue
          that holds us all together.  Wendy prepares our
          weekly rehearsals to learn new music, review
          current repertoire, work in sections and educate
          all of us in how to sing as individuals and how to
          blend our voices as a unit.
                                                                        Never Forgotten

                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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