Page 35 - HBG 2019-watermarked
P. 35


                       HOME OWNERSHIP

                                        Are you ready to buy a home?

        You picked up this guide hoping to learn something useful about home
        buying — but are you sure you are ready?

        The thought of owning your own home is very tempting — instead of giving
        your hard-earned money to your landlord each month, you’ll be paying off
        your own home and building up equity.

        Home equity is the value of the home that belongs to you. When you begin
        a mortgage with a down payment of 20%, you really own 20% of the house;
        the rest belongs to the lender. Over the life of the loan, as you pay back more
        of the principal, your home equity — your ownership stake — increases. This
        allows you to take out loans in the future using your home equity as collateral.
        Many people rely on their home equity to provide for their retirement, or to
        take a loan to pay for such as large future expenses such as weddings or
        college tuitions.

        But if you’re thinking of your house as an investment, it’s also wise to consider
        alternative possibilities of using your money. While building home equity is
        generally considered a safe investment and makes up the largest share of
        most people’s net worth, some people will be better served by continuing to
        rent while investing their money.
        Before making  the decision  to invest in a home, make sure  you consider
        whether this decision will be a wise financial move for your family at this point
        in time. Be aware of all relevant costs besides the purchase price of the home;
        research property taxes, closing costs, insurance, and maintenance costs.

                                               2020 Lakewood Home Buyer’s Guide |  35
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