Page 39 - HBG 2019-watermarked
P. 39


                         A beginner’s guide to financing your home

        The Importance of Pre-approval
        As soon as you’ve decided you are interested in purchasing a home, sit down
        with a mortgage professional to discuss how much credit you can expect
        to receive.  This initial  discussion can  lead  to  one of  two outcomes: pre-
        qualification or pre-approval.
        ‹   Pre-qualification is a non-binding assessment of  the buyer’s credit,
           income, and assets  which allows  the mortgage broker  to provide an
           estimate of  the loan amount  the buyer  will qualify for. Based on  the
           buyer’s self-reported information, a pre-qualification is neither checked
           for accuracy nor guaranteed.
        ‹   Pre-approval on the other hand, usually entails actually pulling the buyer’s
           credit report and examining all  the pertinent documentation.  Valid for a
           limited time period (typically 120 days), the pre-approval letter confirms how
           much credit the buyer will qualify for, and at what interest rate.
        While a pre-qualification can give you a general idea of whether you can
        afford to buy, most agents won’t show you houses without a pre-approval
        in hand. A seller’s agent cannot in good faith present an offer without a pre-
        approval letter from your mortgage lender.

        Keeping your Paperwork in Order
        As a prospective home buyer, you will want to start keeping your finances and
        paperwork in order long before you start house-hunting. The loan amount
        you will qualify for when applying for a mortgage depends on a number of
        factors, including income, assets, debt, and credit rating.

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