Page 40 - HBG 2019-watermarked
P. 40

Before applying for a mortgage, here are a few things to bear in mind:

        Get  a  free  credit  report  (each of the three credit reporting companies, Equifax,
        Experian, and  TransUnion, are required  to provide consumers  with one free
        report annually). Review it closely to see how you can improve your credit score.

        Understanding your credit score

        The majority of Americans have credit scores somewhere between 600 – 800.
        For the best loan rates, lenders look for scores of 720 or above. Factors that
        contribute to your score include:

        ‹   your bill-paying history (paying your bills consistently and on time)
        ‹   your current debt and available credit (maxing out your cards regularly, or
           having many open cards and available credit, will have a negative effect
           on your rating)

        ‹   other factors such as the length of credit history and new credit applications

        Be   aware   that   using   credit   cards, even if you pay your bill in full every
        month, creates a minimum payment, which mortgage lenders view as debt.
        When possible, minimize  credit  card  usage for the month or months before
        you apply for a mortgage
        Lenders  require  you  to  demonstrate  a  stable  employment  history,
        so be careful about switching between 1099 and W2 status (for example,
        transitioning from full-time  work  to freelancing or  vice-versa);  this could
        potentially disqualify you because of your employment history.
        Lenders require meticulous documentation of every dollar used towards
        the down payment, so any large or unusual deposits into any of your accounts
        will be scrutinized carefully. Whenever possible, consolidate all the money for
        the down payment into one account as early as possible. Keep copies of all
        checks, deposits, and statements that document the flow of money in and
        out of the account at least two to three months before you will be paying a
        deposit on a house or closing.
        A check from an unrecognized source — for example, a gemach  — can be very
        difficult to explain to a bank and may cause your application to be denied.
        However, gifts from blood relatives are acceptable if they sign a gift letter;
        be sure to discuss the possibilities and limitations of such gifts with your
        mortgage professional.

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