Page 187 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
P. 187

Claudine Bigelow                 was able to get summer work at   eclipse of 2017 from atop Sheep’s
               Viola                            Persephone and was mentored     Mountain and watching the moon’s
                                                and developed her passion for   shadow approaching rapidly from
               It’s been a tender experience to   baking by locals, Kevin and Alli   the West, in addition to the 360°
               explore memories of 25 years with
               the Grand Teton Music Festival and   Cohane. She was welcomed by the  sunrise/sunset, was a miraculous
                                                local community, a tremendous
                                                                                event made even more meaningful
               what it has meant to me and to my
               family. I have raised my children   gift to her. She still uses these skills  because it was shared with
                                                professionally, and we are grateful   Festival friends.
               from infancy here, every summer,
               for what now feels like forever. It   for Kevin’s positive influence.    After 25 summers, choosing one
                                                Another daughter has developed
                has also been a place of deep                                   musical experience as a favorite
                personal growth and connection.   a strong love for the outdoors;    is a nearly impossible task, as so
               We have felt the influences of   hiking and mountain views continue   many times my eyes blurred with
                music, mountains and community   to be a mainstay of her life for    tears, wishing time would slow
                                                meditation, comfort and inspiration.
                here that have touched all of our                               during a moving performance.
                lives in meaningful ways.       Mary Corbett                    But Madame Butterfly under

               Every time I return, I gasp at the   Violin                      the masterful baton of Maestro
                                                                                Runnicles was truly extraordinary,
               view. Every single time. The poet,
               Wendell Berry, speaks of “the    As the last chords of the Festival   and after decades of making music
                                                Orchestra’s final performance ebb,
                                                                                at the highest level, Butterfly was a
                peace of wild things,” and some
               of what I feel connects to that idea.   the clock resets and the countdown  transcendent experience.
                                                to the next season begins.
               I also feel inspired and invigorated                             I leave a piece of my heart here
                by the tremendous energy of     After making my home at sea     each summer in this, the most
               these mountains.                 level, the beauty and contrast of   magical of places.
                                                the Teton Range is as fresh and
               When I play with the orchestra in                                Erik Gronfor
               Walk Festival Hall, it marks me    awe-inspiring as my first glimpse   Double Bass
                                                so many years ago. I am blessed
               similarly. I have had some of the
                                                beyond measure to have the
               most exciting orchestral experiences    opportunity to experience Maestro   There is so much that I love about
               of my life here. I have been pierced                             participating in the Grand Teton
                by solos of my colleagues and   Ling Tung’s vision and the      Music Festival. I feel incredibly
               guest artists, and poured my heart   realization of that vision—the   fortunate to be able to spend a few
               and emotion into expressing what   Grand Teton Music Festival as an   weeks every summer in the most
                                                oasis of solace, restoration and
               the maestro and the music has                                    strikingly beautiful location in our
                                                renewal for classical musicians. It is   country, and over the years I have
               asked of me. I have taken deep   a magical mixture of both symphonic  taken every opportunity to spend as
               dives into understanding the
                language of music. I have loved   and chamber music amidst the   much time hiking the trails, biking
               the maestro’s interpretations of   splendor of the mountains.    and just soaking up the beauty as
               Mahler and Beethoven in particular.  Mere hours after performing    I can. Every year my sense of awe
               It’s poured into me a wealth of    Strauss’ tone poem An Alpine    for the Tetons is undiminished.
                musical language, memory, color   Symphony, I found myself on a   Now combine this experience with
               and power. It has made me a      sub-alpine trail in the midst of   performing with one of the greatest
                better musician and teacher.    jaw-dropping vistas, stepping into   festival orchestras in the world
                                                the very landscape that Strauss   (especially when Sir Donald is at
               This place became a second home   had created for the listener, a   the podium) and you’re as close to
               for my kids. My son cemented his                                 heaven as it gets! It is, without a
                love for biking here, propelled    setting that could only amplify the   doubt, the time I most look forward
               onward by treasured views,       musical experience!             to in my year.
                strengthened by the energy he   Forged and honed through the
               felt from the mountain ranges. He   mutual love of music and the   Having said this, what I truly love
               eventually found ways to return   outdoors, the lifelong connections   most about the Festival is the
               often, to race in Lotoja many times,  made with both Festival musicians   people. Last summer I was seriously
               even winning once in his class, as   and local Teton Valley residents are   injured in a biking accident while
               an adult. One of my daughters    a part of the beautiful tapestry of   I was at the Festival, and I spent
                                                GTMF. Experiencing the total solar   over a week in the hospital. During

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