Page 189 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
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musicians and audiences alike are   variety of programming is amazing.  the amazing music making on
                reminded of the most precious   Additionally, since I spend the rest   stage. Along with my role as the
               thing we have in the universe:    of my year performing opera and   Principal Librarian, I’ve played
               one another.                     ballet, GTMF provides a valuable   dozens of concerts and had the
                                                opportunity to experience the   good fortune to play under the
               Thalia Moore                     symphonic repertoire at the very   three longtime GTMF Music
               Cello                            highest level.                  Directors. While it is hard to
               I will never forget the sense of   I was so thrilled when Maestro   choose a favorite performance,
               wonder that I felt as we drove into   Runnicles became Music Director   in 2014 the orchestra performed
               the valley for the first time—the   at GTMF! Performing with him   Mahler Symphony No. 5 with
               sight of the mountains looming   at the helm at the San Francisco   Donald Runnicles. The beautiful
               above, the tranquil fields with    Opera had always been a highlight   depth of sound of nine double
                hundreds of cows and horses     of my career there, and I was sad   basses (four of which date from
               grazing, etc. I couldn’t wait to    when he left. However, it is my   the 17  century) still resonates with
               explore everything. Every year   good fortune to be able to continue   me to this day. I would be remiss
               since my first GTMF season in    performing under his leadership    to not mention last summer’s
               2000, I experience the same      at GTMF! When selecting the     performances of Puccini’s Madama
               excitement and joy as we drive   weeks when I can attend GTMF,    Butterfly as they were transcendent
               over the pass and into the valley.  I always make sure to include   and radiated perfection.
               When the first rehearsal started, I   “Runnicles weeks.”         In my role as Principal Librarian,
               was amazed at the glorious sound   I look forward to this season at   I’ve worked directly with many
               and the tremendously high level   GTMF, and to (hopefully) several   of the world’s great conductors,
               of playing. It was an honor to be a   more after 2024!           soloists and composers. Working
                part of this fabulous group. I                                  with Donald directly and making
               experience this feeling every year!  Robert Stiles               music with him on stage has been
               In addition to the wonderful     Librarian; Double Bass          one of the great joys of my career.
                musical experience, the Festival   What an incredible honor and   Beyond the music, I’ve made
                provides us with the opportunity   great fortune to have participated   many lifelong friends at GTMF.
               to spend valuable time with our   in the Grand Teton Music Festival   Spending time with the musicians
               families. Our kids have been to the   (GTMF) for 25 years—nearly half   and staff (who are like family)
               Festival every year since their birth   of my life! I first came to Jackson   floating down String Lake, hiking
               and view their time in the Tetons   in 1991 for the Grand Teton Music   to Table Mountain, or enjoying a
               as the highlight of their year. We   Festival Seminar. I fell in love with   meal (especially parking lot pizza!)
               always spend time exploring the   the area, the experience of the   are always a yearly highlight.
                breathtaking scenery via hiking   Festival, and hoped to return as a   Ultimately, my favorite part of
               and camping during the breaks    professional in the future. That first   being a part of GTMF is having my
                between weeks.                  trip connected me with Paul Ellison,  family join me every summer. In my
               In 2000, we had just found out   who then became my double bass   early years, my parents were able
               that we were expecting, and along   teacher at Rice University (and   to enjoy the magic of the Festival
               with my partner Anna Kruger,     who still performs in the Festival),   and the Tetons. Now my wife, son
               spent many hours of our free time   thus opening doors to a career   and dog look forward to enjoying
               watching “The Miracle of Life”    that I could have never imagined.   the music, mountain biking and
               and other childbirth-related shows   Not long after beginning my    experiencing the serenity of nature
               on TV.                           position with the Detroit Symphony,  (and we’ve mixed in a few winter
                                                there was an opportunity to return   ski trips!). What a privilege to be a
               I feel that GTMF is “The Miracle of   to GTMF in the summer of 2000,   part of GTMF!
               Music” in many, many ways. The   and it has been my great thrill to
               orchestral and chamber music     return every summer since.
               concerts rank among my very
               favorite musical experiences ever.   Each summer provides renewal
               The colleagues are fabulous, the   of mind, body and soul. There is
               cello section stellar, and the    a magic that is indescribable, not
                                                only in the scenic beauty, but in

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