Page 188 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
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that time the love and support I   time with grandkids. John and   our brilliant leadership makes the
            received from my fellow musicians   I feel so fortunate to have been   whole even greater than the sum
            and administrators was truly    bringing our four boys up here   of its parts. I confess I have never
            overwhelming. I felt that I was a   beginning from when they were   felt quite this way about any other
            part of a close-knit family, albeit   first born up until now, when our   musical organization.
            one that only sees each other for a   youngest is about to graduate    I recall, among so many startling
            few weeks out of the year. Some of  from high school. We continue to   evenings, one August night in
            my dearest friends are here, we’ve   cherish the time spent with them   2018. Mahler’s Third Symphony
            seen each other’s children grow up,  hiking, biking to Nora’s for    was on the stands. From the very
            and they, too, eagerly anticipate    breakfast, golfing at Teton Pines,   first notes, the music seemed
            the opportunity to see each other   and camping on Jackson Lake.  to come from the heavens. All
            every summer. It’s been a great   It’s hard to put into words the   the players felt it, and Maestro
            place to raise kids!            power of the music that is created   Runnicles, too, and the audience.
            When it comes to memorable      here on stage at the festival. Every   You could see it on people’s
            performances it’s so hard to pick   single person wants to be here!    faces—that sense of collective
            one experience. I will always    It is not just a job, but a calling.   wonder that visits only a handful of
            remember Mahler 3 and Mahler 1   The incredible feeling of making   times in a performing life. We were
            as seminal moments for me       music together is overwhelming,   all in it together, carried along
            performing these great works.   both in chamber music and in     on each other’s wings. That’s the
            There is a magical synthesis    full symphonic works. My favorite   magic of GTMF, and of the people
            created when Maestro Runnicles   things to play here always include   blessed to venture here. It is the
            and Mahler meet!                our amazing Music Director, Sir   enduring honor of a lifetime to be
                                            Donald Runnicles. Any symphony   among them.
            Karen Whitson Kinzie            by Mahler or any opera he conducts
            Violin                          are my pivotal moments of the    So many have become my dear
                                                                             friends and extended family.
            It’s hard to believe I’ve been    entire year. I leave this special place   Year folds into year, and before
            playing with the Grand Teton    replenished to return home to    long their children and my two
            Music Festival for a quarter of a   my regular life, but already looking   daughters, the whole bunch of
            century now! My first year, in    forward to the next summer.    them having in a very real sense
            1999, was the summer before my                                   grown up in the back row of Walk
            husband (John Kinzie, percussion)   Jennifer Gordon Levin        Festival Hall, are enjoying their
            and I were married, so my name    Violin                         own summer reunions. They’ll
            is on the wall twice with different   I first came to the Grand Teton    carry these memories with them all
            last names!                     Music Festival in the summer of   their lives. Long after my playing
            For me, three key words come to   1996. I flew from Washington, DC   days are over, I suspect they’ll come
            mind when I reflect on my time   into the Jackson Hole Airport   here on their own—because
            spent here: people, music and   and stepped off the airplane to   it’s become home for them, too.
            scenery. I have made many new   the sight of the most magnificent   My husband, a city boy for
            friends and reconnected with    mountains I had ever seen. There   whom the word “hike” was once
            people from long ago, as well as   have been many arrivals since, but   a pejorative term meaning “walk
            being included in the “percussion”   such is the power of this place that   taken only because one couldn’t
            family. My far-flung siblings as well   the thrill of that first sight never   find a taxi,” now reliably pesters
            as my parents have celebrated   dims. And then awe gives over    me each spring: “When are we
            many family reunions and birthdays    to calm, to peace, to the feeling,   going? Can we stay longer?” He
            in Jackson Hole, and these will   strange that first summer but so   tromps up and down the mountain,
            always be special memories for me.   familiar today, that I am home.  he comes to every concert, he
            My mother and her husband used   But it isn’t only nature that inspires   yells his “bravis.” When it’s time to
            to rent a place up here for a month  here. Playing with the GTMF   leave, they are all as sad as I am.
            every summer, and thoroughly    Orchestra has been from the first   Because this is the place where
            enjoyed many chamber music      a transformative experience. My   art and nature dovetail, where
            concerts and symphony dress     Festival colleagues are the best   human-made beauty meets beauty
            rehearsals, as well as spending   in the world at what they do, and   that will outlive us all, where

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