Page 65 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
P. 65

July 5 & 6
               PROGRAM NOTES

               (What other piano concerto
               includes an extended solo for
               the harp?) It is in the slow
               movement, an extended slow
               waltz for piano with delicate
               orchestral coloring, that the true
               heart of the concerto is to be
               found. Its spun-out lyrical line
               might sound natural and even
               spontaneous, but in fact it caused
               Ravel no end of trouble; he
               reported having eked it out a
               measure or two at a time, painfully,
               and that it came close to bringing
               him to despair. However, pain is
               temporary and music is forever.
               The exquisite Adagio was
               eventually completed and
               remains for all time as one of
               Ravel’s most noble and perfectly
               polished achievements. After
               such a journey, nothing much
               left remains to be said, and Ravel
               was wise enough not to try. The
               oh-so-brief finale is nothing less
               than an irresistible romp, funny,
               brilliant and insouciant. Ravel
               originally planned to end the                   George Gershwin — Library of Congress
               concerto with a series of soft
               trills, but fortunately he changed
               his mind. A solid thwack on the
               bass drum brings the concerto to   George Gershwin
               a downright Hollywood-ish close,
               big, brassy and bravura.         Rhapsody in Blue

                                                AT A GLANCE                      Only serendipity saved Paul
                                                                                 Whiteman’s 1924 experimental/
                                                Born: 1898                       pedagogical Aeolian Hall concert
                                                Died: 1937                       from becoming yet another
                                                Date of Composition: 1924        instance of a certain well-known
                                                                                 road paved with good intentions.
                                                Instrumentation: Rhapsody        It was long, it was boring, it
                                                in Blue, in its full orchestral   was pretentious. The pieces all
                                                version, is scored for 2 flutes,    sounded alike. The ventilation
                                                2 oboes, 2 clarinets, bass clarinet,   system was on the fritz.
                                                2 bassoons, 3 saxophones,        The aforesaid serendipity
                                                3 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones,
                                                tuba, percussion, strings and    arrived with George Gershwin,
                                                                                 second-to-last on the bill, and his
                                                solo piano.

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