Page 67 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
P. 67

July 5 & 6
               PROGRAM NOTES

               jewel in the three-movement      confident and clear. Ibéria is wholly
               Ibéria, the centerpiece of his    free of washy “impressionism”—
               triptych Images. Never a         whatever that term really means
               particularly fast composer, nor a   and however poorly that term
               particularly decisive one, Debussy   applies to music. The opening
               spent seven years fussing over   Par les rues et par les chemins
               Images, which he had originally   (Through Streets and Lanes)
               conceived for duo-piano          features stomping rhythms and
               ensemble but soon realized that   spicy dissonances, followed by the
               only a sizeable orchestra could   dreamscape that is Les parfums
               produce the colors and effects    de la nuit (The Fragrances of the
               he required.                     Night), which in turn leads without
               A word is perhaps in order       pause into the joyous Le matin
               regarding Debussy’s use of the   d’un jour de fête (Morning of a
               orchestra. Even though he and    Feast Day) that sweeps Ibéria to
               Ravel are often lumped together   its scintillating, slam-dunk ending.
               in the popular imagination, they   “How is it possible that this
               were remarkably different, not   Frenchman, who had only visited
               only in their personalities but   Spain once, was able to showcase
               also in their respective musical   Spanish folklore in such a
               gestalts. Nowhere are the        masterful way?” marveled ace
               differences more striking than in   Spanish composer Manuel de
               their approaches to the orchestra.    Falla. “Many Spanish composers
               Ravel typically reworked         are unable to surpass Debussy.
               his piano pieces into sonic      They will be green with envy!”
               showpieces for virtuoso ensembles
               while Debussy, on the other
               hand, conceived specifically for
               the orchestra with chamber-like   © 2024 Scott Fogelsong
               textures that often highlight solo
               instruments. As a symphony
               player once remarked, in a
               Debussy piece everybody gets
               a solo, however brief.

               Ibéria met with only middling
               success at the beginning. Critics
               scoffed that Debussy, having
               evolved from enfant terrible to
               established master, was now
               writing nothing but imitations of
               his imitators. That was not only
               unfair but inaccurate: Debussy
               was many things, but he was
               never an imitator. Fortunately
               others immediately recognized
               that Iberia’s vivid pungency,
               sensuality, melancholy and
               radiance represented Debussy
               in the bloom of his full maturity,

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