Page 66 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
P. 66

July 5 & 6                                                                        PROGRAM NOTES

            Rhapsody in Blue


            Rhapsody in Blue, a score so new
            that he hadn’t even written out
            the piano part: Whiteman simply
            waited for George’s nod to cue
            in the orchestral entrances. It has
            become an article of faith that
            Gershwin wrote the score with
            blinding speed (either four days
            or three weeks, depending on
            your source) but Gershwin’s own
            account of the composition of the
            work hints at something more like
            two months, from about December
            of 1923 through January 1924.
            Given Gershwin’s experience in
            the hurly-burly of musical theater,
            where songs were written
            overnight and entire scores were
            prepared within a matter of a few
            weeks, two months represents a
            relatively lavish timeframe, even
            allowing for Gershwin’s lack of
            formal training and subsequent
            struggles with the nuts and bolts
            of symphonic composition.                      Claude Debussy — Atelier Nadar

            His inexperience was such, in
            fact, that Whiteman’s house
            arranger Ferde Grofé provided
            the orchestration. He was also a   Claude Debussy
            neophyte as to musical form, so   Ibéria from Images
            the Rhapsody is more potpourri
            than organically-unified         AT A GLANCE
            structure. But no matter. It                                      Claude Debussy made only the
            rightfully brought down the                                       briefest of visits to Spain, but
            house, uniquely American, Jazz   Born: 1862                       despite that—or perhaps because
            Age anthem that it is. “How trite,   Died: 1918                   of that—he wrote some of the
            feeble and conventional…so       Date of Composition: 1905-1912   best Spanish-themed music
            stale, so inexpressive!” sniped   Instrumentation: Ibéria is scored   around. His was a Spain of the
            New York critic Lawrence Gilman.   for piccolo, 3 flutes (3  doubling   imagination, informed by reading
            What a grump.                    piccolo), 2 oboes, English       and conversations with Spanish
                                                                              friends and not by tourism. In
                                             horn, 3 clarinets, 3 bassoons,   addition to piano pieces such
                                             contrabassoon, 4 horns,          as the fragrant La soirée dans
                                             3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba,   Grenade or the borderline louche
                                             timpani, percussion, 2 harps,    La puerta del vino, Debussy gifted
                                             celesta and strings.             posterity with a glittering orchestral

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