Page 19 - GTMF Capital Campaign 2024
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Each year The Donald Runnicles Musical Arts Scholarship, generously funded by   Coombs Ukulele Club is part of the Grand Teton Music Festival’s larger initiative to
        anonymous donors, provides scholarship support to graduating high school seniors who   prioritize and create access to music for everyone in the community.
        will pursue music as their primary course of study at college, university, or conservatory.

        Support for the                                            Music Brings

        Next Generation                                            Us Together

       “ The opportunity to perform in Walk Festival              “ Everybody can sing, everybody can dance,
        Hall and to become acquainted with GTMF                    everybody can drum, and at the Grand Teton
        has changed my life. It made me feel empowered             Music Festival we believe great music should
        as a young musician. I was able to network                 be accessible to everyone.”
        with other musicians and friends of the arts;
        together, we created music in the mountains,               – Meaghan Heinrich, GTMF Education Curator
        celebrated each other, and took our first steps
        on a career path in music.

        – Brian Wacker, voice, Oberlin College and Conservatory,
            2023 Graduate


                       What Grand Teton offers…is a simpler kind of joy, of

                       good music in glorious surrounding. I know where I’d

                       while away my summer if I could.”

                       – David Allen, The New York Times
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