Page 24 - SRMF 2024 Season Program Book
P. 24

Continued from previous page                             is the proto-minimalist material about 20 seconds into the
                                                                first movement, where Beethoven hangs onto the same
       Between 1802 and 1815 (the approximate dates of his      music for longer than you would expect, and everything
       middle period), Beethoven produced about 40 works with   seems to stop so you can enjoy the moment, like dwelling
       opus numbers, an impressive feat itself, especially when   on the sight of a distant treeline, or a herd of deer jumping
       you consider the scale of the works he was composing on   through the woods. The murmuring nature of the second
       his “new path.”                                          movement conjures a babbling brook and birdsongs (there
         Beethoven’s Sixth Symphony occupies a somewhat         are direct quotes of birds at the end of the movement), the
       strange place in his output. It may not get the same recog-  simple yet elegant joys of country life show up in the third
       nition as the odd-numbered symphonies as a titanic, revo-  movement, the thunderstorm and its aftermath punctuate
       lutionary piece, but it was composed virtually simultaneous-  the whole scene - the music in this work is all vibes-based, a
       ly with the Fifth Symphony, a true exercise in contrasts. One   welcome serene departure from some of the more serious
       imagines Beethoven sternly composing at the keyboard     sounds of Beethoven’s other symphonies.
       in his home for the Fifth, taking breaks with a countryside
       stroll to gain inspiration for the Pastoral symphony. Beetho-
       ven was well known as a lover of a good nature walk, with a
       strong preference for the woods beyond the city.            All program notes are © Mark J. Knippel, 2024
         The Sixth’s structure also differs from other symphonic   Mark J. Knippel (b. 1983) is a composer, producer, educator,
       works, both in form and content; writing five movements     new music advocate, and entrepreneur in the arts. An
       instead of the traditional four already defies convention,   Oregonian if there ever was one, he holds degrees from
       without taking into account the Sixth being one of the first   Southern Oregon University (BA) and the University of Oregon
       truly programmatic symphonic works in the canon. Each       (MMus) in Music Composition. His music explores people's
       of the five movements depicts scenes in the countryside;    relationship with technology and the natural world, though
       Beethoven gave each movement a rather descriptive title     rarely both simultaneously. He teaches bass guitar, trumpet,
       that you can see above, but he also later said the depic-   and composition in a private studio in Sisters, Oregon, and is
       tions were “...more the expression of feeling than painting.”   co-founder of GriffinFly Productions, a music production and
       This program for the work gives it a lightheartedness not   consulting company dedicated to fostering creativity in the
       really present in his other symphonies. There’s an immedi-  everyday life of artists and organizations alike.
       ate comfort in the opening gestures - one striking moment

                   Thank you, Bennington Properties,

                          for your continued support of

                               Sunriver Music Festival!

       24  -  2024                                                                               SUNRIVERMUSIC.ORG
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