Page 29 - SRMF 2024 Season Program Book
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Artistic Director & Conductor Brett Mitchell
MOZART Symphony No. 41 in C Major, K. 551, ‘Jupiter’
(1756 – 1791) IV. Molto allegro
BEETHOVEN Symphony No. 6 in F Major, Op. 68, ‘Pastoral’
(1770 – 1827) III. Allegro: Joyful gathering of country folk
J. STRAUSS II On the Beautiful Blue Danube, Op. 314
(1825 – 1899)
SAINT-SAËNS Piano Concerto No.5, Op.103, ‘Egyptian’
(1835 – 1921) Gabriel Reed, piano
III. Molto allegro
FALLA (1876 – 1946) ‘Ritual Fire Dance’ from El amor brujo
BERNSTEIN Danzon from Fancy Free
(1918 – 1990)
IVES (1874 – 1954) Variations on ‘America’
orch. Schuman
Featuring Young Artists Scholarship Recipient Gabriel Reed
GABE REED grew up in Bend taking piano lessons preparing to audition at various
from Jan Saito for twelve years before attending music schools this winter for a
Santa Clara University. While earning two degrees in Doctor of Musical Arts degree
Music and Psychology, Gabe worked as a teaching in Piano Performance, which he
assistant in music theory classes of his fellow will start next fall. He has been
students and taught piano at Veksler Academy accepted into the Piano Program
in Sunnyvale and Milpitas. Gabe is now finishing of the Amalfi Coast Music
his Master of Music degree in Piano at the San Festival in Italy this summer.
Francisco Conservatory of Music and teaches piano Gabe has received Sunriver
at Little Mission Studio in San Francisco. Gabe is Music Festival scholarship awards for 11 years.
Thank You to Today’s Concert Sponsors:
Deschutes Cultural Coalition
First Interstate Bank
Phillip & Ruth Ruder
SUNRIVER MUSIC FESTIVAL 541.593.1084 2024 - 29