Page 27 - SRMF 2024 Season Program Book
P. 27
In the artist’s words… towards designing yards and decorating homes.
“I was born in 1942 After I lost my first wife, one of my sons and I
in British Columbia, were going through family photos, and there it was,
the last of four sons to the painting I had done at 16. My current wife asked
my wonderful parents. why I had stopped painting. I told her the story and
We were raised being said I wasn’t going to paint again. For Christmas
taught to love the that year, my son had framed prints of my painting
beauty of nature. made for myself and my children. My wife asked
My mother was an me again to start painting. For my 79th birthday, my
artist, who saw in me wife got me painting supplies, with acrylics as my
my interest in art. medium. By this time, we were living here in Bend,
When I was eight years Oregon, with snow and long, cold winters to pass
old, she sacrificed to the time painting. I am enjoying painting pictures
get me three months of lessons. of the beauty God
At age 13, we moved to Southern California. I has given us. It
made a friend, who is my best friend to this day. We has been three
loved to hike, ride bikes and camp. We loved the years and I have
beauty of the mountains, orange groves and desert, not wasted any
which all we had to do was step out our door to canvases.
see. Over the years, we visited many ghost towns, It is with great
abandoned barns and abandoned old caves. pride that my
In high school, I took art classes. At age 16, I painting ‘Twilight
entered an art contest. I did not get first place in the Glow’ was chosen
contest, so I put away my supplies. for the Sunriver
As an adult, life got very busy with a wife and four Music Festival
kids and during that time my artistic talent went poster for 2024.”
-Robert Allan
Hooper, artist
“Twilight Glow” can be purchased at the
Sunriver Music Festival Office
or by calling 541-593-1084
Unframed posters are $35
Framed posters are $85
Also at the Music Festival office in the
Sunriver Village (Building 13), check out
our assortment of merchandise and gifts:
posters from prior seasons, wine glasses,
coffee mugs, audio recordings of our
concerts and soloists, and notecards.
SUNRIVER MUSIC FESTIVAL 541.593.1084 2024 - 27