Page 11 - Barkev Product Catalogue
P. 11


            BARKEV                                                                PRINT CONSULTANTS
                               BARKEV COATINGS CC CK 1988/018503/23               GRAVURE, FLEXO, LITHO
                                                                                  TECHNICAL & SALES
              HEAD OFFICE PH: 087 353 9740 / 031 020 0120 FAX: 031-701 3329
                           CAPE TOWN PH: 021- 558 3454 FAX: 021- 558 8683
                              GAUTENG PH:087 353 9642 FAX: 086 512 4091



                    QUALITY - COMPETENCE - SERVICE

            16 RECYL'CLEAN                                                                               9910

                                                      ALWAYS SHAKE BEFORE USE

            REALLY ECONOMICAL                         Preventative Maintenance

                REGULAR                               Place the chamber,          Pour Recyl'Clean
            A weekly cleaning will keep your          doctor blade or             along the anilox roll,
            printing rollers perfectly clean.         rubber roll against         spread evenly by
                                                      the anilox roll.            turning the anilox roll.
            Constant repetitivity of tints. For
            Chrome & Ceramic rollers.

                ORIGINAL                              Wipe off any excess         Rinse the anilox roll
            You use your doctor roll or doctor        product on the chamber      with water or
            blade system to spread the                and leave for at least 15   alchohol possibly
            RECYL'CLEAN around your roller.           minutes depending on        using the inking
                                                      the state of the cylinder.  system / circuit.
            RECYL'CLEAN is a biodegradable            THIS PROCESS WHEN CARRIED OUT EVERY WEEK
            cream, non acid and used in very small    ON A PREVIOUSLY CLEANED ANILOX ROLL WILL
            quantities. It is perfectly safe for the  ELIMINATE THE RISK OF CLOGGING.
            environment (by laboratory analysis).

            HOW TO USE IT

            With the special bottle you pour a        Deep Cleaning
            dose of RECYL'CLEAN over the length
            of the anilox roll.                       Pour Recyl'Clean along      Leave for between 6
                                                      the anilox roll, then       to 48 hours (in the
            a) When operating on the machine          spread thickly using a      most difficult case)
            (recommended):                            protective glove.           then rinse off with
            Flatten your doctor blade system or                                   water or alchohol.
            doctor roll against the roller and
            make it rotate to spread                   WHEN CLEANING A SEVERELY CLOGGED
            RECYL'CLEAN.                               CYLINDER THE PROCESS MAY BE REPEATED.

            b) When operating off-machine:                                  In the event of the product coming into contact with skin or the
            Spread RECYL'CLEAN generously on                                eyes, rinse immediately with water and consult a doctor.
            the anilox - Use plastic gloves.                                Protect hands by wearing gloves and eyes with glasses.
                                                                            In the event of accidental ingestion, consult a doctor urgently.
            Leave the product a minimum of 30
            minutes.                                  Avoid prolonged contact of the product with aluminium surfaces.

            Rinse the roller with water (you can
            use the ink system), print, that's all!

            RECYL'CLEAN is the perfect complement

    197-31                     to the RECYL Cleaning Kit.                         AYM (031) 7085002
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