Page 6 - NASC Scaffolding Matters - Spring 2022
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6  |  Scaffolding Matters  Spring 2022

              Examples of new or enhanced guidance in the forthcoming edition of SG4 for
              preventing or protecting against falls include:
              •  Work on or near fragile surfaces
              •  Safety for the construction of traditional temporary roofs
              •  Sheeting and cladding operations
              •  Working with system scaffold decking

              industry practice and new technology for fall   a legal requirement, many Health and Safety
              prevention and protection.           Executive (HSE) inspectors, when visiting
               This Included using the information from   sites,  may  expect  to  see  evidence  that
              the current NASC 2021 Safety Report, which   adequate and appropriate controls are in
              documents and analyses accident and injury   place for the management of temporary
              statistics for our full contracting members.  works and often cite this document as the
               To ensure the guidance remains current,  expected norm to be used within the industry.
              obsolete products and methods of working   The NASC has therefore produced a brief
              that are no longer in common use have been   and  concise  guide  to  assist  scaffolding
              removed. New sections have been introduced   contractors and others involved with the
              or further guidance provided to protect scaf-  delivery and management of temporary works.   Caption: SG4:22 is due to be
              folders and support employers in establishing   SG45:22 Management of Temporary Works to   published this Spring.
              safe systems of work.                BS 5975 will shortly be available and contains
                                                   details of the basic requirements included
              Guidance on BS 5975                  within  BS  5975,  how  these  are  currently
              BS 5975 ‘Code of practice for temporary   interpreted and administered throughout
              works procedures and the permissible stress   the industry and essential guidance for scaf-
              design of falsework’ was last revised in 2019.  folding contractors.
              Despite  its  title,  this  document  includes   Further and more detailed guidance regard-
              information regarding procedural controls   ing the management of temporary works can
              for the management of temporary works,  be found in the guidance document recently
              which not only apply to falsework, but also to   produced by the Temporary Works Forum –
              all types of scaffolding.            ‘Effective management of scaffolding to BS
               Many scaffolding contractors are unaware   5975:2019’ (the TWf Guide). A copy of the
              of  these  requirements  or  the  potential   TWf Guide can be downloaded, free of charge,
              relevance  to  their  operations.  Whilst  the    from the TWf website.    Caption: The NASC has
              guidance contained within BS 5975 is not                                   produced a BS 5975 Guide.
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