Page 9 - NASC Scaffolding Matters - Spring 2022
P. 9

Spring 2022  Scaffolding Matters  |  9

                                            scoring for the contractors we work for, this will   tion’s Gold Affiliate Membership of Logistics
                                            quickly become essential to being part of the   UK, which is now beginning to bear fruit.
                                            supply chain. I’m delighted with how the Group   A webinar was held last month to give
                                            is working and how quickly we were able to put   members a better understanding of what they
                                            together and issue a comprehensive overview   can gain through their free membership of
                                            Guide. We’re now looking at producing further   Logistics UK and a flow of useful resources
                                            guides on a number of topics and plan to liaise   is now being sent to the Group by Logistics
                                            with Supplier members and external manufac-  UK each month. Content will be shared with
                                            turers to see what can be done to improve green   the members via the Transport page in the
                                            procurement efforts.”                 Members’ Area of the NASC website.
                      “This Working Group                                          Mike Lloyd, Working Group Chair, said: “Fleet
                     will continue to produce   Fleet & Transport                 and transport represents a huge proportion of a
                     guidance on a number   This  Group  has  two  objectives;  provide   scaffolding contractor’s annual expenditure and
                     of topics and liaise with   members with information and guidance   plays a vital role in day-to-day operations. And yet
                    Logistics UK to ensure our   relating to fleet matters, such as licences,  easily accessible information on a whole range of
                    collective voice is heard at   driver hours, loading and unloading and vehi-  core practical issues isn’t readily available. This
                       the highest level.”   cle inspections, and represent the members’  Working Group will continue to produce guidance
                                            interests in a lobbying capacity. The Group has   on a number of topics and liaise with Logistics
                          Mike Lloyd,       also been tasked with maximising the NASC   UK to ensure our collective voice is heard at the
                      Working Group Chair   and its members’ return from the Confedera-  highest level.”

                   New Audit Portal

                             e launched our new audit portal on 1 January,
                             having worked extensively on this project through-
                   Wout 2021. The site helps us keep members’ sensi-
                   tive data more secure and within our existing CRM. It also
                   allows for better automation when it comes to audit renewals.
                     Like any new software there were some bugs in the system
                   which caused a few bumps in the road initially for member
                   companies who had to complete in January. These were
                   quickly rectified by the developers and we were grateful to
                   NASC members for their patience.                  prices. Please do contact NASC Membership Manager via
                     We asked Bilfinger UK to be one of the first companies to test to find out more about how you
                   the new portal for feedback as Bilfinger had developed their   can save money and time.
                   own online portal ‘The Bilfinger Scaffold Portal’ which was
                   the NASC 2021 Innovation of the Year runner-up. Ryan Clegg,  Review
                   Scaffolding Technical Authority at Bilfinger UK said: “Bilfinger   We previously communicated to members that the NASC was
                   were one of the first member companies to test NASC’s new   conducting market research on its position within the industry,
                   audit portal, which we found was user friendly and in-keeping   to better understand what the NASC currently means and
                   with 21st century technology. It was easy to upload the informa-  should mean to the whole industry. This research was carried
                   tion and it was genuinely an all-round better user experience.    out independently by B2B International and a presentation of
                   A great piece of kit.”                            the findings was given to the NASC in November. A working
                                                                     group, comprising NASC Officers & Directors as well as NASC
                   SSIP                                              members from all regions, was set up to review and discuss
                   Last year saw our biggest number of assessments carried   the findings of the report, which will be publicised in due course
                   out on members renewing their SSIP with NASC. This is a   along with any proposed course of action.
                   free service which NASC provides to its contractor members
                   and enables them to qualify for other SSIP Schemes that   We thank all those within the industry who contributed to
                   their clients require them to hold at substantially lower   this research.
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