Page 14 - NASC Scaffolding Matters - Spring 2022
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14 | Scaffolding Matters Spring 2022
NASC Debris Net Working
Group Update
By Sarah Wilson
Vice Chair, NASC Hire, Sale & Manufacturing Committee
t is odd – the scaffolding industry is so far says the netting should “ Everything I
very aware of (and NASC members conform to the standard, but have read so far
I are fully compliant with) the Standards everything I have seen (and says the netting
governing scaffold tube and fittings. However, everyone I have spoken too), should conform to
who knows about the catchily named BS says it doesn't…” the standard, but
7955:1999 Containment nets and sheets Faced with this conun-
on construction works – Specification for drum, I took the matter to the everything I have
performance and test methods? It turns out NASC Hire & Sale Commit- seen (and everyone
that no-one does, not even HSE. tee. A working group was I have spoken too),
Over the years, Ralph Wilson of Gilray Plant duly formed and representa- says it doesn't…”
had noticed a gradual decline in the weight of tives from Forgeco, George
debris netting being sold in the UK for use on Roberts and Gilray Plant have had some
scaffolds – from over 100 grams per square lively discussions regarding the testing proce-
metre to some as low as 40 gsm. He felt that dures outlined in the Standard. Matters have
there might be safety implications in the use progressed to a point where we have test rigs
of such lightweight netting – would it be built and we now await more clement weather
strong enough to contain debris falling from as the testing needs to be carried out with an
a scaffold? air temperature of approximately 23°C.
So Ralph did what he usually does when In the meantime, if anyone reading this
he has a thought and delegated to me. I article has information on who wrote the
discovered the existence of British Standard original Standard, this would be extremely
7955:1999 that governs the use of nets and useful as we could do with clarification regard-
sheets on construction works. But could I ing the statement that “nets or sheets shall
find anyone who had ever heard of it? Even have a minimum tensile strength of 630 N”.
my contact at the Health & Safety Executive I look forward to a deluge of information from
in Buxton concluded: “Everything I have read you all!