Page 15 - NASC Scaffolding Matters - Spring 2022
P. 15

Spring 2022  Scaffolding Matters  |  15
                   Member News                                                                  Please note

                                                                                                The NASC in no way
                   Services & Ancillary                                                         endorses any of the Member
                                                                                                content supplied and
                   Product News                                                                 published on this and the
                                                                                                following three pages.

                                                         Scaffolders to the Administration/Accounts
                                                         team to the senior management, all areas are
                                                         now working together more efficiently.
                                                          If you would like to find out why almost 200
                                                         firms across the UK and Ireland are using the
                                                         App and would like a Zoom presentation, then
                   iPhorms                               why not call Kevin Harkin, Commercial Direc-
                   iPhorms is a tech solutions business based in   tor, on 01625 464238 or 07707 068318 or
                   Macclesfield, Cheshire. We offer businesses   email
                   the opportunity to transform their paper work
                   into a digital solution by use of our iPhorms
                   App  –  this  has  been  developed  with  the   Spanset
                   assistance of NASC members.           Scaffolders, protect your workmates – avoid
                     The iPhorms App allows for the complete   dropped  objects!  SpanSet
                   eradication of paper in favour of a digital   has supplied both safe lifting
                   solution. The administration becomes more   equipment and training to
                   streamlined  effectively  saving  time  and   the scaffolding industry for
                   money, not to mention potentially lives. We   more  than  50  years.  Our
                   have been presenting our technology to firms   innovative  products  and
                   all over the UK and Ireland for a few years and   industry  leading  training
                   we have been delighted with the speed at   courses ensure we remain
                   which our portfolio has grown.        at the forefront of improving
                     What’s  clear  is  more  and  more  NASC   lifting safety on construction
                   members are adopting this process as our   sites nationwide.
                   incoming enquires have quadrupled in the   For the modern scaffolder,
                   past four months, as directors are placing   worker safety is of the high-
                   paramount importance on Compliance and   est priority. Dropped objects
                   Health and Safety, accountably, and tracea-  when lifting equipment on
                   bility within a digitised system.     scaffolding  is  a  serious
                     Administration and Accounts departments   hazard and measures should
                   have seen the benefits of the process as they   put in place to avoid the risk
                   can see the instant saving both in terms of time   of  items  hitting  workers
                   and money from not having to chase the day   below the lift. The use of ‘gin
                   to day paper work associated within the scaf-  wheels’, for example, should
                   folding world, such as Timesheets, Handovers,  be consigned to history.
                   RAMS, etc. All paper is now completed on the   Our unique and ever popu-
                   Smart device and immediately sent to the    lar Safe Lifting Kit allows workers to trans-  Caption:  The SLK features
                   relevant departments.                 port small, mixed loads to the top of struc-  an auto lock function,
                     By using the iPhorms App, it changes the   tures. The SLK features an auto lock function,   protecting workers and
                   way a firm operates. Systems, processes   protecting workers and equipment below   equipment below the bag
                   workflow and Culture are all part of this   the bag should the person pulling the lifting   should the person pulling
                   streamlining exercise making systems and   rope accidentally let go. Available in different   the lifting rope accidentally
                   procedures much more fluid.           heights from 50m to 180m, cost effective    let go.
                     The  software  eradicates  the  need  for   and lightweight.
                   paper and transforms each level of the busi-  Each SLK has one serial number for tracea-
                   ness, bringing together data across different   bility and ease of inspection. The latest addi-
                   departments via the iPhorms App. From the   tion to our range of Safe Lifting courses, the
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