Page 16 - NASC Scaffolding Matters - Spring 2022
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16  |  Scaffolding Matters  Spring 2022

              Scaffolders Safe Slinging and Lifting Course. A one-day course   In their recent South Yorkshire inspection campaign, 65% of
              which provides the knowledge, understanding and practical   businesses inspected were found to be in some form of breach
              skills to safely lift scaffold materials on an operational site.  of Health & Safety law, resulting in 3 prohibition notices and 31
               This course is designed for scaffolders who intend to   improvement notices.
              conduct safe practical lifting operations and/or manag-  To help you prepare for an HSE inspection and ensure all
              ers who need to plan lifting operations using the Span-  aspects of your Health & Safety covered, we have created a
              Set  Safe  Lifting  Kit  and  SpanSet  ScaffGrip  products.   helpful, step-by-step free guide, including the most common
                                       mistakes identified by inspectors. This can be downloaded
                                                                from our website.
              Citation                                           If you’d like to chat about how Citation can help with the HR
             The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) has confirmed they will   and Health & Safety side of your business, just give them a
              continue to carry out spot checks on businesses across the   call on 0345 844 1111, or fill in their call-back form and they’ll
              country to review their Health & Safety measures. Not meeting   get right back to you. Please quote ‘National Access and Scaf-
              these standards could result in a fine of up to £10,000 and the   folding Confederation’ when enquiring to access your member
              closing of your doors.                            benefit and preferential rates.

              CISRS Accredited Training

              Centre News

              Walsall College
              New  NASC  Information  Member  Walsall
              College  has  launched  a  bumper  training
              schedule at Construction College Midlands
              (CCM)  to  help  the  construction  industry
              continue to bounce back post-pandemic.
               Formerly National Construction College
              Birmingham, the site was acquired by Walsall
              College in December 2020. With scaffold-
              ing seen as a safety critical industry, CCM
              remained open throughout 2021, providing a
              suite of CISRS training programmes, in order
              for construction and redevelopment projects
              to stay on schedule.
               The college offers the full range of CISRS
              programmes, from new entrants on COTS
              courses, through to the Advanced Scaffolder   Caption: Construction College Midlands, Kings Norton, Birmingham.
              training, supervisory programmes and scaf-
              fold inspection courses. They can also offer   For  further  information  about  train-
              SSSTS and SMSTS courses, which continued   ing  courses,  visit  www.constructioncol-
              to be delivered throughout the lockdown via,  call  01922  663600  or  email
              remote delivery sessions.  
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