Page 18 - NASC Scaffolding Matters - Spring 2022
P. 18

18  |  Scaffolding Matters  Spring 2022

             Design Member News

              Independent Design House         Ultimate Design Studio            48.3
              Independent Design House (IDH has   Ultimate Design began in 2020, with the   48.3 Scaffold Design Limited, a part
              launched a new division: IDH Housing   core intent of being focused on provid-  of the Richter group of companies, is
              Design. The offering, which is an end-to-  ing cost effective scaffold designs with   pleased to announce the opening of its
              end consultancy for all housing design   prompt response to support the indus-  latest office in Glasgow. The expansion
              requirements, is led by newly-appointed   tries requirements. Our qualified design-  into Scotland marks the next exciting
              associate director, Martin Czerniuk, a   ers have been involved in some of the   step for the group which has enjoyed
              volume housing design expert based in   largest scaffold projects in the UK, gain-  considerable  success  and  growth
              a new IDH Northampton office.    ing experience in the sector. Willing to   throughout 2021.
               Czerniuk brings a wealth of residen-  go a step further, we have invested in   The group, comprising 48.3 Scaffold
              tial expertise to the role, with a 35-year   new design technologies to be able to   Design Limited, R W Clarke Limited
              career in volume home building, having   provide Scaffold 3D BIM models to the   and Preene Groundwater Consulting
              worked for major house builders includ-  industry, that can be included to the   has come together over the course
              ing Taylor Wimpey and Bovis. He is a   site-wide coordination models.   of the last three years, with the aim of
              site layout design specialist, proficient   What  do  you  gain  from  NASC   becoming the UK’s leading temporary
              in projects from concept and master   membership? The recognition of being   works  design  consultancy  and
              planning through to fast-track plan-  a member of the Confederation will help   provider of technical services to Civil
              ning approvals and onward to produc-  us to expand our services and to grow   Engineering and Building contractors.
              tion-enabling packages.          as a firm. Will also help us to be up-to-  Roger Tice CEng FICE, Richter Group
               IDH  Housing  Design  provides  a   date in regards of the latest scaffolding   Managing Director, said: "Glasgow and
              multi-disciplinary  offering,  starting   regulations and guidelines.   the surrounding areas have many talented
              with pre-construction and covering   NASC Contractor member offer: We   people and there is a wealth of competent
              the entire process. Services include   are pleased to offer to all members   clients, both existing and new who Richter
              providing site layout design for land   a 20% discount on the first design   wish to be aligned with. Following recent
              viability,  through  formal  planning,   project. Simply quote NASC to redeem    successful contracts in this location, now
              technical, procurement and produc-  this discount.                 is the time expand our geographical pres-
              tion  enabling  stages  to  final  sales,                          ence and the introduction of the new Glas-
              working with volume house builders       gow office fulfils our business plans. It is
              and developers.                                                    great to see this move happen now."

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