Page 10 - NASC Scaffolding Matters - Spring 2022
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10  |  Scaffolding Matters  Spring 2022

              The first five scaffolding
              apprentices to complete their
              Scaffolding Trailblazer End
              Point Assessment (EPA) did so
              at NETA Training in Teesside.

              Recruitment & Training Update

                   ast  month,  the  NASC  exhibited  CISRS Manager/Supervisor Course Review
                   at  a  BFRS  careers  event  at  the   CISRS  has  recently  reviewed  and  revised  both  its  five-
             L Aldershot  Garrison  Sports  Centre.  day  Management/Supervisor  course  and  the  two-day
             The scaffolding industry super stand also   Management/Supervisor refresher course.
              comprised of Shield Services Group, Alltask,   The courses cover supervisory duties, HS&E legislation,
              Ideal Scaffolding (Southern), Chris Sedgeman   employment law, industry guidance notes, TG20, RAMS,
              Scaffolding, PERI, Severnside Scaffolding    design appreciation, temporary works, commercial essen-
              and SIMIAN.                          tials, mental health and behavioural awareness, supported by
               The event drew hundreds of soon-to-be   several case studies.
              Service leavers, many of whom stopped to   Supervisors who have already held SMSTS (Site Manage-
              hear what the scaffolding industry could   ment Safety Training Scheme) for more than two years may
              provide for them.                    be eligible to attend the CISRS two-day Refresher and apply
                                                   for a CISRS Supervisor card.
              Trailblazer Group Reconvenes
             The Scaffolding Trailblazer standard has now  CISRS Layher Advanced Systems course
              been in place for more than three years and is   A two-week Layher System Advanced Scaffolder run by CISRS
              due to be reviewed. A small working party has   in conjunction with SIMIAN and Layher began at Coleg Menai
              already met with Institute for Apprentices and   in Anglesey on Monday 21 February.
             Technical Education (IFATE) and they envisage   Delegates from NASC Contractor members Rose Systems
              only minor revisions and improvements rather   Scaffolding and John Laidlaw and Son were booked to attend.
              than a rewrite of the standard. It is hoped the   We hope that the launch of this course will see an increase
              review will be complete by summer.   in scaffolders qualifying to Advanced level in system scaf-
                                                   folding. If successful, the programme will be rolled out to
                                                   other manufacturers to develop their own CISRS advanced
              Scaffolding Sector Recruitment       training course.
              – Get Involved
              The NASC will be promoting scaffolding   CISRS training Centres
              industry opportunities at a number of   CISRS is currently in discussion with an NASC member looking
              careers fairs this year. Members are   to open up a new CISRS training centre in the South East,
              invited to join us at the following events:  around Surrey. They are currently looking at centre design and
              •  British Forces Resettlement Services   drawings but once this is agreed they will hope to progress
                (BFRS) Careers Fair – Thursday 7    quickly and get the centre up and running.
                April (Leicester) and Thursday 16    NCC  South  has  shown  its  commitment  to  CISRS
                June (Catterick),                  at its recent annual audit, by announcing some refurb and
              •  National School & College Leaver   development work at its Centre in Erith, Kent, which will
                Shows – 21-22 September (Milton    improve the current facility as well as look to increase capacity.
                Keynes) and 15-16 November           Walsall College in the Midlands is also planning similar works
                (Ascot, Berkshire).                to improve existing facilities and develop more capacity at its
                                                   Lifford Lane site in Birmingham.
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