Page 3 - Speakers #Boostyourbiz.cdr
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                                       Head SME Banking

    Portia is a Development Finance    She was promoted into the EXCO team as the
    professional who holds the following   Head of Investment responsible for loan and
    academic qualifications: Master's Degree  investment operations in 2019. Over the years
    in Development Finance with UCT    she had exposure across the various Investment
    Graduate School of Business (UCT),   disciplines in Masisizane Fund. She also led the
    Honors in BCom Economics degree    Business Development and Stakeholder
    (UNISA) and undergraduate degree in   relations team, was interim CEO and acted as
    BCom General majoring in Economics   Head of Post Investment, Monitoring and
    and Management (UWC).              Business Support

    Portia's career experience has been in   Portia recently joined the Grindrod Bank as the
    various organisations within South   Head of SME Banking, where she responsible
    Africa's accomplished Financial Services   for growing the bank's SME client base directly
    sector. Her career began at First National  or through new mutually beneficial strategic
    Bank holding various positions. She then   partnerships.
    moved on to work for Anglo-American
    Zimele, as the Western Cape Small    Portia is passionate about development in
    Business Hub Manager, where her    general and her interests are in the development
    passion for the entrepreneurship sector   and SME finance arena because it is evolving,
    blossomed.                         dynamic and creates great opportunities for
                                       under- serviced small, medium businesses.
    Portia joined Masisizane Fund as the
    Western Cape Provincial Manager in   Outside of work she is a wife and a mother of 2
    2017. Where her primary responsibility   who loves the outdoors, trying out new recipes
    was deal origination, deal execution and   and spending time with her family.
    provincial stakeholder engagement and

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