Page 101 - WCPP Annual Report 2021-22_Draft #7.6.2
P. 101
Annual Report for the 2021/22 Financial Year
Vote 2: Western Cape Provincial Parliament
Part C: Governance
GRAP pronouncements Effec ve date
GRAP 104 on Financial instruments (revised) To be determined
The Commi ee indicated that it will monitor the implementa on of GRAP pronouncements within
the Ins tu on once an effec ve date has been confirmed and communicated.
9. Recommenda ons by the Commi ee
Reference Resolu on Ac on date
Page: 28 9.1 That the Ins tu on brief the Briefing to be
Commi ee (as an update) on scheduled during
Heading: “Strategy and Ins tu onal the establishment and func on the 4 Quarter of
Oversight” of the new Directorate. the 2021/22
financial year.
Ma er:
The Commi ee notes that on 26
November 2020, the Office of the Deputy
Secretary was abolished and a new
Directorate: Strategy and Ins tu onal
Oversight was created and approved by
the Speaker. The main role of the
Directorate is to manage and oversee the
development of ins tu onal strategy,
performance monitoring and evalua on
and oversight. As at 31 March 2021, the
recruitment process for the filling of the
Director’s posi on commenced and as an
interim arrangement, a caretaker
manager was appointed with effect from
26 September 2020.
Pages: 54-55 9.2. That the Ins tu on brief Briefing to be
the Commi ee on how it scheduled during
Heading: “Programme 3: Public conducts its public tours, the 4 Quarter of
Engagement” including the process for the 2021/22
invi ng relevant stakeholders to financial year.
Ma er: par cipate in the in the
The Commi ee notes that one of the business of the Legislature.
strategic objec ves of the Programme
include “increased opportuni es for the
public to par cipate in legisla ve
ac vi es”.
Page: 80 (paragraph 1) 9.3. That the Ins tu on To be submi ed
formulate and submit a plan to to the
Ma er: the Commi ee on how it will Commi ee by
The Commi ee notes that the Ins tu on support members who wish to the end of the
supported nine of its employees to pursue academic studies. 2 quarter of the
further their studies in various fields 2022/23 financial
which is assumed to benefit the strategic year.
Annual Report for 2021/22 Financial Year Page 91