Page 102 - WCPP Annual Report 2021-22_Draft #7.6.2
P. 102

Annual Report for the 2021/22 Financial Year
                                                                Vote 2: Western Cape Provincial Parliament
                                                                                       Part C: Governance

                  Reference                               Resolu on                      Ac on date
                  objec ves of the Ins tu on. However,                                   (30 September
                  raised a concern on how the Ins tu on                                  2022)
                  plans to support its members who wants
                  to pursue postgraduate studies in various
                  fields which would enhance their
                  parliamentary skills.

                10.     Informa on requested from WCPP
                10.1.   The Commi ee REQUESTED that WCPP provides the Commi ee with the following
                informa on by 28 February 2022:

                10.1.1.  A breakdown of the 8 cases of irregular expenditure which were incurred by the Ins tu on,
                including the remedial plan that was implemented to avoid a future recurrence, as indicated on page
                14 of the Annual Report.

                10.1.2.  A report on the Ins tu on’s plan to digi se the recordings, transcrip ons and publica ons of
                Hansard Services, as indicated on pages 42, 43 and 46 of the Annual Report.

                10.1.3.  A breakdown of the demographic profile between male and female employees in rela on to
                the occupa onal bands of the Ins tu on, indicated in Table 28.2.2 on page 84 of the Annual Report.

                11.      Inputs received from the public

                Members of the public were provided an opportunity to pose ques ons or make oral submissions,
                based on the contents of the 2020/21 Annual Report of WCPP. However, no members of the public
                were present in the mee ng to pose ques ons or to make oral submissions.

                12.     Conclusion

                The Commi ee commends WCPP for maintaining an unqualified audit with no findings on
                predetermined objec ves or compliance with laws and regula ons.

                The Commi ee will con nue to engage with the Ins tu on on its budget, performance indicators
                and the implementa on of legal requirements, including any outstanding ma ers that were
                iden fied in the aforemen oned sec ons, which contains the Commi ee’s request for informa on.

                13.     Acknowledgments

                The Chairperson expressed the apprecia on of the Commi ee for the inputs of the various role-
                players, such as the Auditor-General of South Africa and the Audit Commi ee, to enhance the
                oversight work of the Commi ee which relates to the Annual Report of WCPP for the year ending 31
                March 2021. In addi on, the Commi ee thanked the presiding officers and the WCPP administra on
                for their efforts and contribu ons in this regard.

                MS M WENGER
                DATE: 8/12/21

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