Page 5 - Ni Luh Wiwin Cahyani_2012021192_E- BOOK
P. 5

3.  Main Material

                       The main points of teaching materials are: A. The function of the use of Asking and
                       Giving Advice B. The Expression of Asking and Giving Advice C. Respond Asking

                       and Giving Advice D. Example of Dialogue Asking and Giving Advice.
                   4.  Material Description

                                                 Watch the video below!

               Asking advice is an expression in English that is used to ask for advice or input from other
               people regarding a particular matter. Giving suggestion or advice is an expression in English

               that is used to give advice or input to other people regarding certain matters. In addition, a
               response in response to the input provided is also required. Both the response agrees to the

               advice given and the response rejects.

                      LET'S THINK!

                                           Do you ever asked and given advice to someone
                                           or your close friends? If so, what kind of advice

                                           did you ask for and give?

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