Page 6 - Ni Luh Wiwin Cahyani_2012021192_E- BOOK
P. 6


                                       1.  To ask for advice or input from other
                                       2.  To respect others.

                                       3.  As a form of tolerance.
                                       4.  As a form of appreciation.

                                       5.  To mentor younger people.
                                       6.   Learning and teaching facilities.

                                   The Expression of Asking and Giving Advice

                             Asking Advice                                 Giving Advice
                 Formal                                       Formal
                    •  Would you give me some                    •  I would like to advice you that
                        advice?                                      ...
                    •  What should I do?                         •  It’s better for you to ...
                    •  Do you have any ideas?                    •  My advice is ...
                    •  Do you have any advice for                •  My suggestion is ...
                        me?                                      •  I think you should ...
                    •  Do you have any advice for

                 Informal                                     Informal
                    •  What should I do?                         •  I suggest that ...
                    •  What is your advice?                      •  You should to ...
                    •  What do you suggest?                      •  If I were you, I would ...
                    •  If you were me, what would                •  Why don’t you ...
                        you do?                                  •  You should ...
                    •  I need your advice.

                         Do you already understand
                        about the phrase Asking and
                                 Giving Advice?

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