Page 7 - Ni Luh Wiwin Cahyani_2012021192_E- BOOK
P. 7

Respond Asking and Giving Advice

                           Respond to Advice                         Respond rejects Advice

                    •  Thank's.                                  •  I think, it's hard for me.
                    •  Thank's for your advice.                  •  I don’t think that’s a good idea.
                    •  That’s a good idea.                       •  I can’t do that.
                    •  I’ll do that, thank you.                  •  Do you have any other advice?
                    •  You’re right.                             •  I’m not sure about that.

                           Example of Conversation Asking and Giving Advice

                                                       Picture 1
                                                 Source: google.images

                       Ani    : After working hard in a week, I feel tired.

                       Bella  : Yeah, you are true. But, in this pandemic you need to
                              increase your immune.

                       Ani     : I think so, because my job is hard, I need more nutrition.

                              What should I do?
                       Bella  : I think, apart from eating regularly, you should also take

                              vitamins to strengthen your immune system.

                       Ani    : Okay, I will buy some vitamins after this. Any other

                       Bella  : Don't forget to apply health protocols!

                       Ani    : Okay, thank's for your advice.

                       Bella : No problem.

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