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P. 21
Science Y3/Y4 – Weather – week 12
Truth to Teach (Source)
To realise the effect that weather has on us all.
To recognise the ways in which information is collected for forecasting.
To know that meteorology is the study of weather.
To know which instruments are used to measure different kinds of weather.
Way to Work (Means)
1. Review the previous lessons by having a quiz.
2. Write the word ‘meteorology’ on the board. Discuss its meaning.
3. Have a display of weather measuring instruments around the room and let the children
write what each is used for.
4. Ask if the children know how information is gathered for forecasting. If possible, show a
video clip of a weather forecast from the television. Look at weather maps and the
symbols used to show the different kinds of weather.
Information is gathered by: Weather satellites, balloons, stations, aircraft, ships, other
countries, etc.
5. Let the children select one or two aspects of the weather which they would like to record
each day for a week.
6. Let them complete the worksheet then prepare record sheets to record the weather.
7. Gather to review the main points of the lesson.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
The children should be encouraged to look at the weather forecasts as they will hopefully
understand more about the weather. They will have learned the importance of recording results
carefully as meteorologists do. It is important to recognise the need for all kinds of weather and to
praise the Lord for it