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Science Y3/Y4 – Water - overview


        Truth to Teach (Source)

        Genesis 1:9    ‘And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered into one place, and let dry
                       ground appear.” And it was so. God called the dry ground ‘land’ and the gathered
                       waters he called ‘seas’. And God saw that it was good.’

        1.     To appreciate God as the creator of water.
        2.     To appreciate the importance and uses of water in our daily lives.
        3.     To learn that water can exist in three forms – liquid, gas and solid.
        4.     To study the characteristics of water as liquid, gas and solid.
        5.     To prove that the surface of water is horizontal despite the tilt of any vessel.

        6.     To learn that water naturally finds the lowest level, being pulled to the earth’s surface by
        7.     To compare the densities of various liquids.
        8.     To demonstrate ways in which water can be made to move upwards e.g. siphoning.
        9.     To learn that hot water is lighter than cold water.
        10.    To learn the meaning of words such as dilute, dissolve, insoluble, solution, by performing fair
               tests on various substances in water.
        11.    To learn that the surface of water is held together by surface tension.
        12.    To appreciate God’s economy in creating the water cycle using evaporation and condensation.
        13.    To learn the freezing and boiling points of water.
        14.    To learn that ice needs more space than liquid water and that it floats.
        15.    To appreciate that frost is formed when water vapour freezes.
        16.    To perform experiments demonstrating the displacement of water.

        Way to Work (Means)

              Week 1
              Water, Water, Everywhere

              Week 2
              Water as Liquid

              Week 3
              Water Moving Upwards

              Week 4
              Water Overcoming Gravity

              Week 5

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