Page 10 - Resources
P. 10
Landscape: Three quarters of Greece is mountainous; highest is Mount
Olympus at 2,911 metres.
Isolated, fertile valleys between mountains; these provided good
protection from invaders.
Climate: Long, hot, dry summers, mild winters. Some snow in the mountains.
Lots of open air activities – politics, sport, theatre, discussions
Farming: Olives (olive oil for cooking), grapes (wine), wheat, lentils, barley,
Cattle, sheep, goats, pigs for meat, milk, cheese. Fish
Trade: Sea travel preferable to land. Import corn, spices, cloth, etc.
Set up colonies in Italy (Naples), France (Marseilles), Sicily,
Turkey, Ukraine, Libya.
First New Testament was written in Greek so the Gospel and
Greek ideas spread. Paul’s missionary journeys were on
established trade routes.
5. Let the children create their own mind maps with the above information or
write notes of their own.
6. Let them design their own cover using Internet pictures of Greece or by
drawing them from books. Some children may prefer to colour the one
7. Possible topics for study should be discussed and resources displayed. Give
the children time to browse through books to get ideas.
• Religion
• History
• Maths
• Sport
• Geography of Greece
• Family life
• School
• Warfare
• Architecture
(Greek Grandeur, Hebrew Heart) 8