Page 31 - Resources
P. 31
3. Talk about God being a God who communicates and wants us to communicate
with others too. Ask if the children know any other words in other languages.
Remind them of the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20 which may involve
some going to other nations and learning the language.
4. Let the children try the worksheet.
5. Gather back to share.
6. Explain that many Greek men have influenced the thinking of the world, eg
Archimedes, Aristophanes, Plato, Socrates, Homer, Hippocrates. Share a little
about each one (see separate sheet).
If time permits the Archimedes principle could be demonstrated. (An object
placed in water displaces the same volume of water as itself.)
7. Encourage the children to be considering one of these to study in more detail.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
1. The children should have appreciated that God is a communicating God whose
family extends across the earth. Some children may need to learn languages
later to enable them to communicate with other people in different parts of
the world.
2. They should be able to use a given Greek alphabet to write and read simple
3. They will have been introduced to a number of Greek thinkers.
1. Pythagoras 550-500 BC
Studied number patterns, right-angled triangles and the pitch of
musical notes.
(Greek Grandeur, Hebrew Heart) 29