P. 42
Science Y5 – God’s Amazing Matters – lesson 3
Truth to Teach (Source)
Genesis 1:29 ‘I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every
tree that has fruit with seed in it. They shall be yours for food.’
God created trees for us to use as food and as a resource.
Few materials are as widely available, useful, beautiful and adaptable as wood.
The properties of wood.
Wood is a renewable resource.
Way to Work (Means)
1. Review the first lesson.
2. Let the children examine blocks of wood under magnifiers. Discuss observations.
3. Explain that wood is the most common natural living material on the earth. Talk about wood
being made up of cells of which there are over ½ billion in a cubic metre. Cell walls are made
up of cellulose which will not dissolve in water but it is very flexible.
Wood also contains gums, waxes, resins, oils, starches, tannins and fats. These can be
removed from wood by dissolving.
4. Ascertain how much the children know about how trees grow and develop annular rings, before
sharing more information. Let the children see a cross section of a log to identify the rings.
Talk about knots in the wood where branches formed. Talk about the grain of wood.
5. Summarise the properties of wood with the class – it is attractive, flexible, elastic, pliable,
brittle, can shrink and warp, waterproof, easily available, renewable resource, etc
6. Distinguish between hardwoods and softwoods. Show pictures or samples of wood.
7. Give the children a set time to complete the mind map (give guidance) and to create a tree
alphabet to show just how many types of trees there are worldwide.
8. Some children may like to experiment with wood over several weeks, e.g. soaking it in water
and weighing it before and after; trying to dye it with various liquids; leaving it immersed in
water; boiling a piece of wood in water.