P. 65

Science Y5 – God’s Amazing Matters – lesson 18

        Truth to Teach (Source)

               Exodus 26:31          ‘Make a curtain of blue, purple and scarlet yarn and finely twisted linen,
                                     with cherubim worked into it by a skilled craftsman.’

               Exodus 26:36          ‘For the entrance to the tent make a curtain of blue, purple and scarlet
                                     yarn and twisted linen – the work of an embroiderer.’

                 Textiles like wool, linen and cotton were used in Biblical times not only for clothes but for
                      curtains, etc.

                 Today, textiles are a huge worldwide industry.

                   Artificial fibres have been invented over the past century or so.

                   Different textiles have different properties.

                   We should seek to recycle textiles.

        Way to Work (Means)

               1.  Review the previous lesson.

               2.  Show a display of clothing made of a variety of natural and man-made fabrics.

               3.  Show pictures of aircraft/car seats, furniture covers, curtains, ropes, etc to show the
                   various other uses of fabrics.

               4.  Talk about textiles being made from fibres, or filaments, from animals or plants.
                   They are long, thin and flexible so can be woven or joined together in some other ways.
                   Ask the children if they can think of any natural fabrics (cotton, wool, silk, jute, sisal,

               5.  Remind the children of God’s creative genius in providing us with such vital raw materials
                   as well as his gifts to men and women to use these resources. Many machines, like spinning
                   and weaving machines, have been invented to make better use of textiles. Read the above


               6.  Talk about man-made fabrics and show examples. The first man-made fabric was rayon
                   which was made from wood in the 1880s. The artificial fibres, known as ‘rayons’, are based
                   on cellulose which is found in wood. The wood is pulped and mixed with chemicals to obtain
                   the cellulose. It is further treated and squirted through holes to make long filaments.
                   Rayon is used for medical dressings because it soaks up liquids well.

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