P. 67

Science Y5 – God’s Amazing Matters – lesson 19-23
                                    CHILDREN’S PERSONAL PROJECTS

        Truth to Teach (Source)

                 To give the children opportunity to conduct research on their own (or in twos).

                 To encourage the children to use a wide range of methods in conducting research,
                   including drawings, tables, labelled diagrams, graphs, ICT, etc.

                 To give guidance on how to present research to the class.

                 To give opportunity to the pupils to review their own work and that of others.

        Way to Work (Means)

             1.   Review the overall aims of the project.

             2.   Explain that the next four lessons will be devoted to personal research on any of the
                  following which have captured the children’s particular interest:-

                              •  Gemstones

                              •  Metals
                              •  Oil
                              •  Textiles

             3.   Give clear guidelines on the presentation of the material, whether it is for a wall display or
                  for the children’s project folders. Some children may like to make comparisons between
                  their first project studied in weeks 10-13 with the present one.

             4.   Lesson 23 could be used for the children to show their work to the class. Posture the
                  children to bring constructive criticism as well as encouragement to their peers.

        Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

        The children should extend their knowledge of their chosen topic and gain more experience in
        gathering information from a variety of sources and in presenting it to an audience of their peers.

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